Tesla App Bug? The driver mistakenly unlocked someone else’s Model 3 and drove away successfully

According to Insidevs, a Tesla Model 3 car owner from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, recently encountered a strange thing. He was able to use his Tesla Mobile App to unlock other people’s cars and drive away successfully.

tesla model3
tesla model3

The owner of the car is Rajesh Randev. He accidentally unlocked someone else’s Tesla with the Tesla App on his mobile phone and drove away. He thought he got into his own car – because the two cars were of the same model and color and parked together, but in fact he drove away someone else’s Tesla.

It was reported that he was in a hurry at that time because he wanted to pick up the children from school, so he didn’t look at the car carefully, thinking it was his own. Randev said that he opened the door with the app, got in and left. After a while, he began to realize that something was wrong because there was a crack in the windshield of the car he was driving. He began to doubt that it was not his car, especially when he found that the charger was not in the place where it was normally placed.

At that moment, he received a text message, which read: “Hello Rajesh, are you driving Tesla?” The text message was sent from the real owner of the car, telling Rajesh that he was driving the wrong car.

After stopping the car, Randev noticed that the tire of the car was different from his Model 3, so he called the person who sent him a text message and admitted driving the wrong car. And miraculously, Randev was able to enter the car again and drive it to pick up the children from school. After that, he met the real owner of the car and returned it. The car owner told Randev that he was able to text him because he saw a note with his name and phone number in his Tesla.

Randev said that he didn’t know why this could happen and why the Tesla App on his mobile phone could unlock someone else’s car. Randev said that he had contacted Tesla and submitted video evidence, but some e-mails were returned, and no one had contacted him so far.

Some netizens speculate that the vehicle may not be locked and in the “valet parking” mode, but it is still unknown whether it is so. As of the press release of IT Home, Tesla has not responded to this officially.


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