IDC Releases 2022 China Autonomous Driving Development Platform Market Share Rankings

On May 2, IDC, a research institution, released the “IDC MarketShare: Autonomous Driving Development Platform Market Share, 2022” on April 28. The report shows that the size of China’s autonomous driving platform market reached 589 million yuan (approximately 91 million US dollars) in 2022.

IDC stated that the autonomous driving development platform in this research is an autonomous driving system development platform for automobile companies or autonomous driving solution providers, which allows them to quickly build their own autonomous driving systems to meet the needs of technical buyers in handling massive data and updating and iterating autonomous driving solutions. The platform needs to have functional modules such as data processing, storage, analysis and processing, algorithm model development tool chain, and simulation system.

According to the report, the overall market concentration is relatively high in terms of market share, with cloud computing companies accounting for more than 80% of the enterprise market share. The competition status of China’s autonomous driving development platform market in 2022 is shown in the figure below (note: due to rounding, the numbers may have slight errors). Among them, Baidu Apollo Autonomous Driving Cloud (34.4% share), Huawei (29.7% share), Alibaba (9.2% share), Tencent Cloud (5.0% share), Amazon Cloud Technology (3.4% share), and others (18.3% share).

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According to the report, the data collected by the test vehicle is stored on the onboard hard disk, and will be manually uploaded to the data center of the autonomous driving platform supplier or the user’s private cloud data center. In this way, the data volume of a single hard disk can reach the level of TB, and there are fewer network data transmission restrictions, which is the main component of the current data set. In addition, the hardware integration of the vehicle-side chip is transformed into a server suitable for data centers between servers, and the algorithm is put on the cloud, so as to improve the verification and migration of the algorithm on the cloud and the vehicle side.

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