DJI Releases New Generation Intelligent Driving Solution

DJI Auto today unveiled a new generation of intelligent driving solutions at the 2023 China Electric Vehicle 100 People Forum.

This solution achieves L2+ intelligent driving functions including urban memory driving (32TOPS)/urban navigation driving (80TOPS) without high-precision map dependency or laser radar dependency, through “strong online real-time perception of vision”. The solution has a pure vision configuration of 7V/9V and a computing power as low as 32TOPS. The pure vision assisted driving system also supports expansion of millimeter wave radar, ultrasonic radar, laser radar, high-precision maps and other sensors to enhance system safety redundancy.


The new generation intelligent driving solution of DJI Auto has the following features:

  • Low computing power threshold and solid algorithm: Computing power as low as 32TOPS efficiently realizes various intelligent driving functions in multiple scenarios.
  • Rich functions: Active safety, driving assistance, parking assistance, memory parking, cross-layer memory parking, urban memory driving, high-speed navigation driving, and upgrade configuration can realize urban navigation driving.
  • Simple and efficient sensor configuration: The basic configuration of the solution is 7V, including a pair of DJI Auto’s unique forward inertial stereo binocular cameras, a rear-view monocular camera, and four panoramic fisheye cameras. Based on strong visual online real-time perception and decision-making planning capabilities, all functions except urban navigation driving can be achieved without relying on high-precision maps (7V configuration can be combined with high-precision maps to achieve urban navigation driving); increasing computing power to 80TOPS, adding two side-view monocular cameras, upgrading to 9V, can enhance the ability of dynamic vehicle detection on the side, meet the observation needs of scenarios such as left and right turns, U-turns, and roundabout crossings, and achieve all intelligent driving functions including urban navigation driving without relying on high-precision maps.
  • Strong scalability: The solution supports the expansion of computing power up to 200 TOPS, expansion of millimeter wave radar, ultrasonic radar, laser radar, high-precision maps and other sensors to enhance system safety redundancy, and improve the comfort experience of high-level L2+ functions such as high-speed navigation and urban navigation.
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