2023 Q2 Global Sales of EV by Tesla, BYD, and Volkswagen

On August 1st, foreign technology media insideevs published an article that horizontally compared the sales of pure electric vehicles from Tesla, BYD, and Volkswagen in the second quarter of 2023.

According to reports, the sales of these three car companies have shown varying degrees of growth compared to the same period last year, with significant increases in sales compared to Q1 of this year.

Here are the electric vehicle sales figures for the second quarter of 2023 for the three car companies:

  • Tesla: 466,140 vehicles sold, an 83% increase YoY.
  • BYD: 352,163 vehicles sold, a 95% increase YoY, equivalent to 76% of Tesla’s performance. The gap between BYD and Tesla widened by 53%, equivalent to 113,977 vehicles.
  • Volkswagen Group: 180,239 vehicles sold, a 53% increase YoY, accounting for 39% of Tesla’s performance. The gap between Volkswagen Group and Tesla widened by 109%, equivalent to 285,901 vehicles.

Here are the electric vehicle sales figures for the first half of 2023 for the three car companies:

  • Tesla: 889,015 vehicles sold, a 57% increase YoY.
  • BYD: 616,810 vehicles sold, a 91% increase YoY, accounting for 69% of Tesla’s performance. The gap between BYD and Tesla widened by 13%, equivalent to 272,205 vehicles.
  • Volkswagen Group: 321,091 vehicles sold, a 48% increase YoY, accounting for 36% of Tesla’s performance. The gap between Volkswagen Group and Tesla widened by 63%, equivalent to 567,924 vehicles.

For reference, in 2022, Tesla delivered over 1.3 million electric vehicles (a 40% increase YoY), BYD sold over 900,000 vehicles (a 184% increase), and Volkswagen Group sold over 570,000 vehicles (a 26% increase).

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